Friday, September 3, 2010

Day 1 - August 2nd 2010

Ok guys,

So today is day 1. I woke up this morning with a fresh excitement and ready to go! I started the morning with drinking 2 cups of water with some fresh squeezed lemon then I ate my breakfast!
This afternoon I am going walking for 45 minutes!

The workout was tough. I mean the incline was like wow! But it was the good kind of wow. I could tell it was working because I could feel the burn. I felt kind of uncomfortable when the room started filling up with men- I kind of uncomfortable when the room started filling up with men- I kind of felts some anxiety coming they were judging me or wondering what I was doing there. Then I just imagined Fawn being there with me and telling me this was not about them, that this was not about me either, it's for God's glory and His will and the greater good for the people I am meant to inspire. So I bet my lip and realized that I needed to stop being so insecure. more than likely they were not looking at me in that way and I was just being paranoid, and even if they were, that is their problem. So once I got past that I was ok. I got done and it felt good that I did it!

I have noticed that I am not so tired. I have not noticed a huge difference in the energy yet, but a difference none the lesss! I had major cravings today. I thought about Mexico Tipico today and how I would love a chocolate donut, but I have kept strong and I keep telling myself that it will be worth it. I wish I had Fawn here with me, but I know she is praying for me, thinking of me, and encouraging me. Most important to me is that she believes in me and that feeling is amazing! Accountability is so important! I know that with the right team and with encouragement I will accomplish one small goal at a time. Audra

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