Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Audra, I'm SO Proud!!!

Audra has shown amazing progress! I am not just talking about weight loss, which she has done, I'm talking about her mindset and determination to succeed when all odds have been against her. I stand amazed at this woman's ability to balance family, school, and her health. Sure, it's been tough and she would be the first to tell you that the last couple of weeks have been a nightmare at times. But regardless, she has continued to move forward, ready for whatever comes her way! This week after realizing that her starting weight was not what we thought it was, Audra went through a really hard time....numbers can be really scary when it comes to our weight, especially when we think our weight is one thing just to find out it's not! Her starting weight was higher then we thought and she has been stepping on a scale that has proven weight loss, but the wrong starting number. This is in no way her fault! She has done everything as told and has made sure to stick to the plan. After a few conversations, Audra has realized that this journey is about more than a number on a scale.

People often make the mistake of focusing on a number, which will often be dissappointing! But when we focus on a healthy life and mind, we begin to realize that it's about so much more than a number and weight loss, it's about determination and movement...it's about learning to move forward even when the going gets so tough that we just want to quit! I'm guilty of it at times too! However, Audra continues to move forward and she can and will succeed! Why? Because she can see herself getting there and because she has people around her that believe! Way to go once again Audra, I am so proud of you! You have leaped forward in my mind this week! : )

Fawn "Baby Deer" Woodfin

1 comment:

  1. Great blog today Fawn. You inspire and motivate in a way that is God directed. Blessings on you and Audra!
